Until the 31th of july 2019 the postulation to the Contemporary Art Residence will remain open, managed by Cooperativa de Arte in relation to Curatoría Forense – Latin AmericaLa Casona Solariega and Biblioteca Popular Julio Tapia.

The Art Contemporary Residence [SOCIAL SUMMER CAMP XI] will take place in Villa Alegre, (Chile) from the 4th to 14th of march 2020, and it will group together contemporary visual artists, historians, art researchers, curators, art managers and other cultural agents.

The participation is possible through a public open call. The selected applicants will be contacted between the 10th and 15th of August of 2019 to confirm their participation.

Residence objective and work plan.

This initiative aims to review and discuss working models in contemporary art research in Latin America, in order to propose possible methodologies and categorizations, apart from create relationships between researchers, critics and other agents dedicated to practice throughout the continent.

Residences are instances of collaborative and cooperative work, that group together art workers to the realization of diary sessions of debate, analysis and production about the announced topic.

Directed to artist, art researchers, curators, art historians, art managers, art teachers and other cultural agents.

Planning Activities.

  • Resident Portfolio presentation.
  • Intensive Contemporary Art Seminary (2 days).
  • Work meetings and tutorials of research.
Participantes: 10 people
Cost by participant: US$950.- (nine hundred and fifty US dollar)
  • Organization and coordination of activities.
  • Accommodation for 12 days / 11 nights in community dorms
  • Daily meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Snack)
Does not include the transportation expenses to and from the residency location.

How to Apply.

  1. By open call for contemporary visual artists, art historians and researchers, curators, art critics and other cultural practicioners. 
  2. The application has to be fill out by the online form.
  3. Submitting deadline: July 31, 2019 
  4. Selection confirmation: August 15th, 2019.
  5. Selected participants will be informed by e-mail, which will include production details and dates and method of payment.
  6. The participation of the selected applicants will be considered confirmed during the second fortnight of august 2019, once the deposit of the 50% of the cost of the stay is paid.

Participation Terms.

  1. The cost does not include transportation expenses to and from the residency location.
  2. Accommodation will be in community dormitories (4 up to 8 people).
  3. Lunch and dinner are included. Group meals will be planned.
  4. Participants will provide photographic and video recordings made during their stay. These will be included in digital editions and on the residency website. 
  5. Invitation letters will be extended to those selected to obtain aid funds for their participation.
  6. Certificates will be given after the conclusion of the residency.

Production Team:

  • Jorge Sepúlveda T. , Independent Curator.
  • Guillermina Bustos, Artist e Contemporary Art Researcher.
  • Alicia Tapia Villar, Cultural Manager.
  • Romina Estecher, Artist.
  • Jimena Elías, Artist.

2 thoughts on “SOCIAL SUMMER CAMP XI – opencall”

  1. Pingback: SOCIAL SUMMER CAMP XI – convocatoria – CoOperativa de Arte

  2. Pingback: SOCIAL SUMMER CAMP XI – Chamada – CoOperativa de Arte

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