Collaborative residencies of Contemporary Art Research.

We present to you the new website of COOPERATIVA DE ARTE, an initiative that has organized 44 contemporary art group residencies since January 2010 along with Curatoría Forense – Latinoamerica, and local autonomous art management of 8 countries in North, Central and South America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay).

The residences have counted with the participation of more than 360 visual artists, art managers, historians, researchers, gallerists and contemporary art collectors from North, Central and South America, Europe and Asia.


Until June 30, 2020 is open the new public call for the residency of contemporary art organized by Cooperativa de Arte:

> SISTEMÁTICA Y SEDUCTORA II – São Paulo, Brasil. October, November and December 2020.


During the months of September and October of 2019 we will carry out – jointly with Uberbau_house – in São Paulo (Brazil) the research residence ESPACIO DE FALA, Gender and Sexual Diversity.

> participates in the collaborative research (whatsapp).
> download the informative fanzine about the residence.



For our team it is important to keep in touch and answer questions and doubts about the contemporary art residency program

> Let’s talk by whatsapp.
> Do you know how our residences work?


SISTEMÁTICA Y SEDUCTORA II – São Paulo, Brasil. October, November and December 2020.



Production of Contemporary Art and Social Processes.

In the Residencies of Contemporary Art and Social Processes, residents work together with communities, their organizations and neighbors in ways to approach the local imaginary through an instance of total immersion. This program has been developed in Argentina, Chile and Brazil; and they have been organized in conjunction with local organizations.

Contemporary Art Field Research.

In the Contemporary art field research residencies we conducted a critical review, study cases and a mapping contemporary art work in local scenes in Latin America. These residences are organized around a hypothesis and a work plan related to topics such as Autonomous Management, Art Biennial, Art Pedagogy, Economy and Market, and Art Institution.

Contemporary Art System Research.

In the Art System Research Residencies we carry out a collaborative debate, conceptualization and diagramming of the complexity of the field, its processes and its phenomena. The objective of this program is the survey and organization of data, the comparative study and the production of conceptualization (from Latin American references) on the structure of the contemporary art system.


At the end of each Residence the participants make a public presentation of the progress of their experience in research, work methodology, conceptualization and resulting proposals. This presentation is made at the residence space as well as by videoconference.

Knowledge must not be patrimonial, so the presentations become part of the arquive RESERVA IDEOLÓGICA (physicaly and online) available as a reference and working material for an open and constant debate.

Previous Publications.

ARTICLES published about the work of residencies.

DOWNLOAD for free the fanzines produced during the Residencies of Contemporary Art Research organized by Cooperativa de Arte in conjunction with Autonomous art Management of Latin America.


  • AFECTO SOCIETAL II. Escenas locales de Arte Contemporáneo.
    Mayo 2019. Guanajuato // México]
  • ACCIÓN/TRANSACCIÓN. Economía y mercado de arte contemporáneo. mayo 2018 (revisada abril 2019). [BsAs // ARG + SP // BRA]
  • RIZOMA. Cartografía de dinámicas vinculares. Enero 2019. [São Paulo // Brasil]
  • MODELOS DE RESIDENCIA II. Investigación sobre Residencias de Arte Contemporáneo en América Latina. Febrero 2018. [Villa Alegre // Chile].
  • AFECTO SOCIETAL. Escenas locales de Arte Contemporáneo.
    Abril 2018. [Guanajuato // México].
  • MANUAL DEL FRACASO PARA EL ÉXITO EN ARTE. Enero 2018. [São Paulo // Brasil].
  • SISTEMÁTICA Y SEDUCTORA. Investigación sobre Bienales de Arte en América Latina. Septiembre y octubre 2018. [São Paulo // Brasil]